
Sign-up For The Exclusive Programs By Rohini Mundra

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Check out our most popular courses below

Xtraordinary Speakers Academy

Being a Speaker/Trainer/Coach is one of the most satisfying jobs in the world. The ability to impact someone’s life positively is an unparalleled experience.

This is a 12-week system designed to give you all that you need for fulfilling your dream of becoming a million-dollar speaker, trainer or coach

Conquer Your Life

There are 12 major areas of your life that make your life truly happy and fulfilled. In this course, you can work on each of these,  and you will be more in control of your life. In fact, you can conquer each of these areas through the guides given in this programme and realise that your dream life is not just a dream. It is a goal.

Brand New Brand You

The 40-day BNBY is a focussed system if you want to establish your strong & powerful brand as a speaker, trainer & coach, even if you have no experience or clients. This programme will take you step by step to building your brand and winning the trust of clients to work with you

XtraOrdinary Speakers Academy Masterclass

XtraOrdinary Speaker’s Academy Masterclass is a 4 step system designed to fulfill your dream of becoming a speaker, trainer or coach. This system will guide you to set goals in a scientific manner, Re-Program your subconscious, discover your niche and become an expert to start coaching people and earn money.

The Xtraordinary You

The Xtraordinary You focuses on conquering 3 areas of your life: Purpose, Passion and Profit. Get access to my 3 day live residential program that has taught thousands of people from across the globe all the secrets of money, business and the purpose of the life for the last decade. This is a one of a kind experience that you can now access at the tip of your finger.

Client Testimonials

Rohini Mundra's review by gemini dhar

Gemini Dhar

"She is strong and she can certainly give you direction towards becoming an extraordinary you.Wishing you all the best and happy to see you become an author."

Rohini Mundra's Review BY Santosh Modi

Santosh Modi

"Thank you so much for your all kind support and encouragement. And definitely I am going to make it big success in 2020 with the help of your mentorship and guidance."

Client Testimonials

Rohini Mundra's review by Reema

Reema Singhal

She is genuine in her work, her support has always resulted in success for me and others I know. Her seminars and programs have really guided me through difficult times and helped me shine through!

Rohini Mundra's review by L S Umesh

L S Umesh

"Rohini Mundra has been conducting many training programs in our company, however today I participated in the training program and learned a lot through experiential learning techniques. It was truly an enriching experience."

Client Testimonials

Abdul Muqheet rohini mundra testimonials

Abdul Muqheet

"In less than 3 months of the program, I have started my own company, taken up an office space, hired 7 employees, did a billing of 1.5 crores and handled 100 events across India."

Abhishek Bejoy rohini mundra's testimonials

Abhishek Bejoy

”Rohini Mundra’s program is on the path towards changing the traditional approach towards learning and development."

Client Testimonials

Rohini Mundra's review by L S Umesh

L S Umesh

"Rohini Mundra has been conducting many training programs in our company, however today I participated in the training program and learned a lot through experiential learning techniques. It was truly an enriching experience."

Rohini Mundra's review by Reema

Reema Singhal

"She is genuine in her work, her support has always resulted in success for me and others I know. Her seminars and programs have really guided me through difficult times and helped me shine through!"

Client Testimonials

Rohini Mundra's review by gemini dhar

Gemini Dhar

"She is strong and she can certainly give you direction towards becoming an extraordinary you.Wishing you all the best and happy to see you become an author."

Rohini Mundra's Review BY Santosh Modi

Santosh Modi

"Thank you so much for your all kind support and encouragement. And definitely I am going to make it big success in 2020 with the help of your mentorship and guidance."

Client Testimonials

Abhishek Bejoy rohini mundra's testimonials

Abhishek Bejoy

Abdul Muqheet rohini mundra testimonials

Abdul Muqheet

"In less than 3 months of the program, I have started my own company, taken up an office space, hired 7 employees, did a billing of 1.5 crores and handled 100 events across India."

”Rohini Mundra’s program is on the path towards changing the traditional approach towards learning and development."